Thanks to all who attended and participated in the 2021 NHCPC Annual Meeting, especially our great presenters! Below are materials from the meeting, including an updated list of attendees. We look forward to seeing you throughout the year and at the 2022 NHCPC Annual Meeting!
2021 NHCPC Annual Meeting Materials
Presenter Biographies
List of Attendees
Become a member!
Committees: Interested in joining a NHCPC Committee? Contact the Committee Chair to be added to the Committee. Note that you don’t need to be an NHCPC member to help out!
— Program Committee (Help plan the next Annual Meeting)
— HCP Improvement Committee (Collaborate with colleagues and federal agencies on ideas for improving the HCP program)
— Government Relations Committee (Help implement the NHCPC legislative platform)
Mural Board
Video of the Presentations
PDFs of the Presentation Powerpoints
A big thank you to our generous sponsors: Austin Water Wildland Conservation Division, Blair Wildlife Consulting, Blanton & Associates, CA Wildlife Conservation Board, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., Consero Solutions, Edwards Aquifer Authority, Environmental Solutions and Innovations, Environmental Science Associates (ESA), ICF, Nossaman LLP, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, Save Mount Diablo, SWCA, and The Nature Conservancy.