• 2019 Annual Meeting

The 2019 annual meeting took place at the USFWS National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, November 13 – 15. Click the links below to view the many great presentations made by Coalition members and guests at the 2019 conference:


  1. State of the Coalition. Rebecca Pfaller, Secretary NHCPC Executive Board
  2. Habitat Conservation Planning in an Era of Climate Change. Jodi McGraw, Jodi McGraw Consulting
  3. Florida Panthers, Climate Change, and the Conservation Role for HCPs. Dr. Bruce Johnson, Senior Ecologist, Stantec
  4. Wildlife Crossings and Connectivity within the Western Riverside County MSHCP. Charlie Landry, Executive Director, Western Riverside County MSHCP
  5. The Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act – A Common Sense Way to Protect Biodiversity. Susan Holmes, Federal Policy Director, Wildlands Network
  6. Data and Tools for Refining At-Risk Species Distributions. Dr. Healy Hamilton, Chief Scientist, Natureserve
  7. A Multi-Species, Multi-Regional HCP for American Electric Power. Natasha A. Brown, Environmental Solutions and Innovations
  8. South Puget Sound Prairie Habitat Conservation Plan. Christina Chaput, Senior Planner, Thurston County Washington
  9. The WILCO RHCP – Integrating the ESA Section 7 and Section 10 Processes in Texas: Past, Present, Future. Gary D. Boyd, Williamson County Conservation Foundation and Steven W. Carothers, SWCA Environmental Consultants
  10. Integrating Section 7 with Habitat Conservation Plans. Mike Thomas, Chief, Conservation Planning Division, USFWS Sacramento Field Office
  11. South Sacramento HCP/ARP – An Integrated Permitting Success Story. Dr. Mike Henry, Senior Ecologist, Dudek
  12. Southern Orange County HCP. Laura Coley Eisenberg, Senior Vice President – Open Space & Resource Management, Rancho Mission Viejo.
  13. Lake States Forestry Management HCP. Shawna Barry, Manager, Conservation Planning and Implementation, ICF
  14. Missouri Bat Habitat Conservation Plan for Forestry Activities Conducted by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Paola Bernazzani, Principal, ICF.
  15. California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s NCCP Local Assistance Grant Program. Shannon Lucas, Senior Environmental Scientist, Supervisor, CDFW
  16. Models of Science Support for Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plans. Dr. Kristine Preston, US Geological Survey
  17. USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units – A Model Partnership Program. Dr. John Thompson, Deputy Chief of the Cooperative Research Units Program, US Geological Survey
  18. Scientific Research on the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve. Melinda Mallia, Travis County Natural Resources.
  19. The Path to a Salinas River Habitat Conservation Plan. Elizabeth Krafft, Monterey County Water Resources Agency.
  20. Guadalupe River Basin Habitat Conservation Plan. Nathan Pence, Executive Manager of Environmental Science, Guadalupe Blanco River Authority.
  21. Latest NEPA and Secretarial Order 3355 Compliance News. Trish Adams, USFWS; Michelle Shaughnessy, USFWS; Scott Blackburn, USFWS; Hova Woods, ICF
  22. Five Lessons for HCP Planning Success. Dr. David Zippin, Vice President, ICF
  23. Planning for a Successful HCP Development Process. Timothy Day, Senior Manager, Escambia County Natural Resources Management Department
  24. Confessions of a Mitigation Implementing Entity (MIE): In the Context of a Programmatic HCP. George Kelly, AWEA HCP and RES board member
  25. Forest Habitat Conservation Plan on the California Timberlands of Green Diamond Resource Company. Keith Hamm, Conservation Planning Manager, Green Diamond Resource Company
  26. Western Oregon State Forests HCP. Dr. David Zippin, Principal, ICF.
  27. Upper Santa Ana River Habitat Conservation Plan – Homeless Encampments: Unique Challenges and Solutions for Effective Urban Stream Habitat Conservation. Heather Dyer, Water Resources Project Manager, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
  28. Oceano Dunes District: Habitat Conservation Plan. Ronnie Glick, Senior Environmental Scientist, California State Parks.
  29. Humboldt Redwood Company Habitat Conservation Plan – “When Owls Collide”, or what happens when an invasive species beats up your covered species? Sal Chinnici, Director of Forest Sciences, Humboldt and Mendocino Redwood Companies
  30. Assessing Recreational Use and the Need for Enforcement on HCP Preserves. Betsy Miller, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District.
  31. Regional Monitoring of Species, Habitats, and Threats to Inform Management Across Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plans. Dr. Kristine Preston, US Geological Survey
  32. Conservation of a Declining Species in an Urban Landscape: The Santa Clara Valley HCP’s Burrowing Owl Strategy. Dr. David Zippin, Vice President, ICF
  33. Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act/Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund. Michelle Shaughnessy, USFWS